Monday, April 21, 2008


This was Mona's reaction to the news (left).

We say that Mona is an "only child". She loves having the place to herself. A baby in the house is really going to cramp her style. We plan on reading up on some ways we can prepare Mona for this event, but quite frankly, I don't think anything we read is going to make any of us more prepared.

Mona really does like babies. She tries to lick inside of their mouths, mainly. But toddlers are something else. One of my cousin's young children, Claire, adores Mona, and chases her around the house. Mona is not a big fan, and generally tries to hide under the table. It's not that Claire is mean to Mona. But Claire does have a cute blonde 'fro that floats around her head like a golden cloud. I think Mona is terrified of it. Secondly, Claire is right about at Mona's eye level, which I think is disconcerting for her. Dogs feel as if they are being "challenged" when someone stares directly into their eyes.

I have heard some folk wisdom on the dog-and-baby topic. I guess it helps to bring the baby's blanket home from the hospital before you bring the baby. Then give it to the dog and let her sleep with it, spoon it, whatever. I guess giving the dog the scent of the child before actually having to *meet* him or her is the point.

We'd love to have some advice on this topic, if you have any. And no, giving Mona away is not an option. Forget it. I mean...LOOK at her.


Tyler James said...

nice picture mona. i have a solution em.. just let me keep mona with me here in nashville. i promise i'll bring her back every once in while ; )

Emily said...


Nice try.


Kirsten Gardzelewski said...

Don't worry Mona will adjust. We still have little moments with Lola when we can see that she is jealous but most of the time she loves her little brother and loves to lick his face! The blanket is a great idea, we also sent Ivan's parents home with Asher's hat the very first night. When we brought Asher home we sort of just let Lola have at him (in a gentle way of course) to make her feel part of the family. Love the title of your blog and your picture...adorable!

Emily said...
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