Monday, September 1, 2008

28 weeks / 7 months

So I chopped my hair... but I made sure to tell her she couldn't give me a "mom cut" :)

Here we are at seven months by Lake Michigan.

P.S. If you're on a Mac the lay-out on some of these posts might be weird. Especially the ones where I use multiple photos. My apologies.


Kirsten Gardzelewski said...

Oh my goodness, are you just the cutest thing or what!? You are really looking great! His arrival is getting closer and closer!:)

Emily said...

Thanks Kirsten! I bet little Asher is growing like crazy. Still fully flexed too I'd bet :)

Tyler James said...

thanks for posting the picture. i like your short hair em.... although in the future i recommend a hairstyle that takes attention away from your face : ) (i just did one of those hand snaps)

Anonymous said...

Oh my gosh, were these pictures taken by a professional photographer! So well done! Of course, how could the photographer fail? Look how cute the "subjects" are. Love you!

Emily said...

oh, you guys are HILARIOUS.

though i did laugh about the hand-snap.

Biz said...


you are getting fat.


i laughed really hard at your comment.

miss you guys

Emily said...

RUDE. It's not me who's getting fat, it's Gordito. Which you should all be happy about.

Anonymous said...

We are! We are!