Tuesday, November 18, 2008

1 cm

I had another appointment this morning. Still gaining a pound or two a week on average. After examining me my doctor said I have a "favorable cervix". On the phone after the appointment Jono said, "I knew that. That's why I married you." Ha ha. All that means really is that I'm ready to go and if I needed to be induced for any reason, I could be. I'm about 90% effaced, 1 centimeter dilated, and I'm due one week from today.

We are still running around finishing up last-minute tasks around the house and making sure we have everything for Gordito. We made a rather unsuccessful trip to a couple of stores last night for a few last things. We brought home a diaper pail that it turns out only works with disposable liners, a wonky hamper that needs to be returned, and a dog bed for Mona that is too small to contain her super-fuzzy body. *Sigh*. I really don't like shopping. And whenever we go to Babies R Us I feel like the Will Ferrell character in the movie Old School...

Frank: I told my wife I wouldn't drink tonight. Besides, I got a big day tomorrow. You guys have a great time.

College Student
: A big day? Doing what?

Well, um, actually a pretty nice little Saturday. We're going to go to Home Depot. Yeah, buy some wallpaper, maybe get some flooring, stuff like that. Maybe Bed, Bath, & Beyond, I don't know, I don't know if we'll have enough time.

Anyway, my mom has been asking me if the doctor ever says anything about how big she thinks Gordito is. I asked her today and she said he seems kind of long and possibly about 7 pounds at the moment. Pretty average overall. She commented again on how often he likes to stick his butt out. Then she gave me some tips on how to get labor started. We'll give these a test drive and see if they work :)


Jan Lehman said...

YEAH! Jeff and I were discussing your due date just this morning; we cannot wait for the little one to arrive! Glad things are progressing so well! Reinforcement for the good life you're living! We keep praying that all will go well!
love, mom and jeff

Belinda said...

Glad to hear your doctor's visit went well. Soon we will all get to see and hold precious little baby Klooster. By the way, I don't want to hear any more about Jono choosing you because of your "favorable cervix" or that you are going to try some of the ideas the doctor gave you concerning getting the labor going. TOO MUCH INFORMATION!