I knit a miniature scarf that happens to match exactly the scarf I knit for Jono two years ago. Guess who it's for.
Jono is ecstatic. Like, more excited about the matching scarves than I've seen him about anything since that plastic stick blinked "pregnant".
Jono's scarf was my first knitting project. I splurged on this Chinese homespun yarn (or whatever) with a color combo called "mineshaft". I figured that was manly enough, so I bought it and started stitching away. The only problem was that when I was finished I had 3/4 of a ball of the Chinese Mineshaft yarn left to work with, and I didn't really want Mineshaft Potholders. I was stuck on what to do with it.
Then it occurred to me: dad-and-baby matching scarves would be kind of funny. Actually, just a fat baby wearing a knit scarf is funny, even if it didn't match.
Timidly, I mentioned the idea to Jono. His eyes lit up like fabulous Roman candles. He started asking me EVERY DAY when I was going to start on it. I'm in the middle of a rust-orange scarf for moi at the moment and was trying to finish that first, but after fielding "the look" from Jono for over an hour as I added row after knitted row to my own scarf, I finally caved and borrowed some of Jessie's needles for the mini mineshaft scarf-ito.
I started out making the scarf 20 stitches wide, to which Jono said: "Too wide." So I unraveled the first row and started over with 15 stitches. I showed it to him again and got approval for the smaller size. As I continued adding rows, I held it up for Jono every ten minutes or so and got a bright-eyed, eager look every time. It was very rewarding work.
We used Jono's bicep and then my ankle to figure out how long to make it. Hee hee. I was pointing out to Jessie the other day that babies don't have necks, so the scarf will probably be halfway up his face.
Oh well. Still funny, if not funnier that way.
Indulge me as I post the un-cropped version of this photo. Anything else cute in this picture besides the scarf-ito? (Hint: black, white, upper right corner).
SO cute!! You look great, Emily, and I really hope you get the smooth (or smooth-ish) natural birth you're hoping for. I will check back with interest in a few weeks. :) (It's funny how I can go blog-hopping, beginning with my friends who went to Dordt, and come across pretty much everyone who graduated with us from Unity.)
Lindsay DeKoter Brom
that is pretty koose, but the real beauty lies in the monut over in the corner of the frame.
how koosey! so i just realized how close you are to the day - so exciting! can't wait to meet the little chubby cheeked bubby!
I had to enlarge the un-cropped photo becuase I couldn't quite figure out Mona's position. Yes, very cute and glad she's behaving again. Do you suppose she inherited "the look" from Jono or would it be the other way around?!
oh, she was rocking "the look" from day one. we call it SLY. jono has a look too, but it's less sly, more deadly - ha ha :)
i am so impressed, em! they look awesome. how long did it take to do gordito's?
joe and i laughed and laughed at mona in the corner... ohh fluffer...
Hi Rach! Jono is on the phone with Joe right now so I'm getting a second-hand update on your life. Gordito's scarf took me exactly 1/16 of the time it took me to knit Jono's. I'm glad you like the uncropped photo. It was my favorite version as well. (Fluffer misses her Rachel).
Precious. How do I post a pic of the first scarf in the final moments of ompletion????? :):):):) Jan K
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